Youth Park Schlachthof

Youth Park Schlachthof

Youth park Schlachthof

The sports pirates capture the north

Europe's largest BMX and skate park becomes the youth park Schlachthof and now has a 10,000 sqm youth area with street art, street culture, parkour, calisthenics, street basketball, street soccer and a pump track for very young children. 
Kids of all ages, young adults and families like to visit the park when the weather is good. The spectacular tricks performed by young people even attract older audiences to the park.
The youth park is an extracurricular place of learning, and these sports pirates are well equipped. BMX bikes, skateboards and the appropriate equipment is also available for rent at a low cost.
In addition to the park’s daily operations, the sports pirates and their partners often host multiple-day events. Schlachthof is a youth park for the whole family.

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