Steamboat Alexandra

Steamboat Alexandra


Built in 1908, “Alex” is the floating landmark of Flensburg. She is the only passenger steamboat in Germany still in operation. You can head out to sea on the Alexandra from May until October. In addition to offering public cruises on selected Sundays, she is also present at the major port festivals like the Rumregatta and the Dampf Rundum steamboat parade. Whether it´s with exclusive events with the jazz group Alexandra’s Dampfkapelle or the Petuh cruise, the Alexandra provides a nostalgic ship experience for the whole family and is an absolute must for every holiday goer. Admission tickets can be purchased at the yellow pavilion by the Dampferbrücke bridge. Please note: tickets are in high demand. You should therefore register in advance so that you are not stuck on land.

Find out more here

Registrations and reservations
in the historic harbour:: Schiffbrücke 37
Office hours: Mon - Thu 9-15:30 / Fri 9-13
+49 (0) 461 18 29 18 05
Mooring: Dampferbrücke / Schiffbrücke