Bicycle ferry

Whether you are travelling alone, with your family, with friends, on foot or by bike, the sailing trip on Flensborf Fjord is an unforgettable experience.
"Thjalfe" sails on the route from Egernsund via Rendbjerg (Marina Minde), Brunsnæs on Broagerland to Langballigau in Germany.
Every Friday and Saturday, the cycle ferry "Rødsand" sails from Egernsund via Sønderhav towards Flensburg on a trip that takes us up through the beautiful Flensburg Fjord.

Please bring your passport with you!

Note: The ferry is small and very popular and only runs for a limited period in the summer months and should therefore be pre-booked!

Tip: A biketrip to Gråsten Palace - the summerresidence of the Danish Queen and her family. Visitors only have access to the palace garden and the church. When the Queen and her family spend their summer holiday at Gråsten Palace, it ist not possible to visit the castle.

Timetable and tickets